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miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Zimbabwe- The Ndebele People [África]

Although the origins of the South African Ndebele are shrouded in mystery, they have been identified as one of the Nguni tribes. The Ndebele people were originally an offshoot of the Nguni people of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The language amaNala and amaNzunza are relatedNdebele woman with rings around her neck to that of the Ndebele people of Zimbabwe. The Ndebele are a branch of the Zulu's who split from King Shaka in the early 1820s under the leadership of Mzilikazi, a former general in Shaka's army. In the 1820's Mzilikazi over-powered the Manala and decided to settle down with them. After some time, Mzilikazi became afraid that Shaka would send an army after him. Ndebele dollsWith a clever plan he lured the Ndebele men away, got the others together and killed them. He then took the women and livestock and then moved northwards in 1834 into present-day Zimbabwe where they battled with the Shona people; eventually carving out a home now called Matabeleland and encompassing the west and southwest region of the country and finally settled in Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. That is the origin of the Ndebele of Zimbabwe.

The Ndebele people (who are related to the Zulus) live in South Africa and the Southern part of Zimbabwe. Fans of South African pop styles, especially Umbaqanga, have heard Ndebele music in the sounds of the Mhatella Queens and other groups: but here is the real, unadorned roots of those songs sung and played on the simple wind instruments in the rural village.

The playing of the whistles and horn is very simple: the tone occasionally will remind the listener of the Australian Didgeridoo, but there are no fancy tricks like circular breathing.

01. Poem: Izibongo Zeqaqa - Elizabeth Ncumbe
02. Interlude: Mouthbow
03. Lullabies: Olu Olu Umntwana Uyakhala' - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
04. Lullabies: Umntwana Uyakhala Gogo'
05. Lullabies: Thula, Thula Mntwanami'
06. Children's Games: 'Woza Ngenu Ngenu'
07. Children's Games: 'Ukhozi, Ukhozi'
08. Children's Games: Bantwana, Bantwana'
09. Girl's Initiation: Ukudunduzela
10. Girl's Initiation: 'Aya-Wo, Aya-Wo'
11. Wedding Songs: 'Umthimba' - Menyezwa Moyo
12. Wedding Songs: 'Yemahlathi' - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
13. Wedding Songs: 'Tshaka Usekhaya' - Menyezwa Moyo
14. Wedding Songs: ' Wemswela' - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
15. Wedding Songs: 'Uzangilobola' - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
16. Wedding Songs: 'Ayabonga Amankankazana' - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
17. Calling the Dead Father Back
18. Herding Cattle: Mouthbow - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
19. Hrding Song - Menyezwa Moyo
20. War Song - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
21. Hoeing and Weding: 'Amnand, Amabele'
22. Hoeing and Weding: 'Wemalale Sikhotheni, Wemalale Sikhotheni' - Gerald Mbono, Philip Moyo, Stephen Tapona
23. Hoeing and Weding: 'Qinisela Ainisela Lawe Mama'
24. Hoeing and Weding: 'Umahelani' - Gerald Mbono, Philip Moyo, Stephen Tapona
25. Songs for Pounding Grains: 'Lomvundla Ulele' - Gerald Mbono, Philip Moyo, Stephen Tapona
26. Songs for Pounding Grains: 'Inyamazan' Ilele'
27. Interlude: Mouthbow - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
28. Social Dances: 'Siba Lofefe' - Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
29. Social Dances: 'Iganyane Laqed Inkomo'-Dora Bala, Mission Bhebhe, Barbara Jija, Isabell Napa
30. Social Dances: 'Ibonwa Ngan' Inkomo Ezohlatshwa'
31. Spirit Dances: Sihlale Khunjini Lomfula
32. Spirit Dances: Emoyeni Wami
33. Spirit Dances: Ngangigul' Ubuila
34. Spirit Dances: Ngubyil'ekwendeni
35. Spirit Dances: Umancube'
36. Spirit Dances: Mpalanyana, Mpalanyana
37. Spirit Dances: Tshobalami
38. Spirit Dances: Siyabaphengula
39. Spirit Dances: Amantshomane for Hunters and Nyangas
40. Spirit Dances: Isipuna
41. Spirit Dances: Isangoma



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