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domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

Pooka-Fools give birth to angels (2001)

Pooka is the former songwriting duo of UK guitarists/vocalists Sharon Lewis and Natasha Jones. Taking their name from a mythical Irish goblin that first appears friendly but has the habit of turning nasty, the duo likewise had a way of keeping their audience spellbound with sweet melodies, lush arrangements and alluring lyrics only to turn with spine-tingling vengeance toward twisted guitar chords and menacing vocal arrangements.
Lewis and Jones began playing gigs in London at an early age and were soon spotted by someone from WEA Records, resulting in a contract. In the US, Pooka's self-titled debut (produced by the renowned John Coxon) was released in 1993 on Elektra. Tours with Everything But The Girl, Tindersticks, Kristin Hersh, and The Levellers soon followed. Between their proper recordings, Pooka co-wrote some tracks with the electronica band Ultramarine for 1995's Bel Air. After some delay, Pooka's second album, Spinning, was released in September 1997 on Trade 2, a subsidiary of Island Records. Their second release proved itself a riveting, pop/rock follow-up to their comparably gentle, acoustic debut.

Garnering praise and support while on tour throughout Europe in the next two years, Pooka decided to release a 5-song EP, Monday Mourning, in 1999 on the French Telescopic Records label. Monday Mourning served as a tender, sentimental revisit to the style of intimate, spare songwriting and arrangements which had characterized the duo early on. In 2001, Lewis and Jones independently released Fools Give Birth To Angels, a self-produced, classically written and arranged collection of new songs, replete with string sections and a hand bell choir.
Soon thereafter, Sharon and Natasha's ten-year musical partnership came to an abrupt and mysterious end, but not before the Rough Trade release of their compelling electronic finale, Shift.
Over the years, Pooka's music defied categorization, masterfully spanning genres from avant-folk/pop/rock to classical and electronica, thereby earning them a cultish, devoted following and underground reputation that lingers around the world even to this day as both women tend to their solo careers in the North and South of England.Wikipedia

Con una rarísima combinación de electrónica, guitarras acústicas, piano, arpa, cuerdas, flauta, contrabajo y mezclando ambient, folk, susurros y gritos, las chicas de Pooka son las madres de una experiencia musical poderosa y atrapante y, hasta lo que mi conocimiento musical me aporta, sin un origen o influencia reconocible. Sus voces y canciones llenas de misterio y dulzura hacen que el momento en el que escuches Fools Give Birth To Angels sea un momento apasionante, delicado y ensordecedor.Info


9 comentarios:

  1. Creo que tiene error el archivo pues se descarga uno de 250 Kb, a alguien mas le pasa esto?

  2. Lo he probado y funciona.Quiero avisar que los enlaces de Gigasize a veces se quedan colgados,pero si lo intentas de nuevo funciona,cosas de los servidores :(
    Gracias por el link.En cuanto tenga un hueco lo posteo

  3. Hola, a mí me pasa lo mismo que a Kaliman. Descargo el fichero tras pasar las distintas claves y finalmente me descarga uno de 332 Kb que está corrupto y no se puede abrir.
    ¿Podrías revisarlo de nuevo, por favor?
    Gracias gracias gracias

  4. Pues nada,ya esta resubido a Filefront,espero no tengáis más problemas.

  5. Exelente, ya funciona el link, muchas gracias por compartirlo.

  6. Gracias de nuevo. Ya he conseguido descargarlo.
    Viva la eficacia!!!

  7. Hola!!!

    No conocía yo este blog, o no me acuerdo haberlo visto antes, pero me gusta, jejeje sobre todo porque aparezco al ladito, en el apartado de colegas

    ¿quién eres?

    AH!!! Soy Javier Galea

    Un saludo y gracias por el enlace!!!!

  8. Hola javier,este blog es la continuación de Músicas del Mundo
    En ese blog te tenia enlazado y como no,en este también...
    Un saludo

  9. Hola, me llama mucho la atención este disco. ¿Seria posible publicarlo de nuevo?

