"Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares" is an ensemble of a rare artistic gift and enormous popular appeal. Its story is a story of a success. Created fifty years ago, its goal was to enrich the heritage of the Bulgarian solo folk song with harmonies and arrangement that highlighted its beautiful timbres and irregular rhythms.
They transform sounds into strange vocal colors as if something other than the human voice, perhaps some strange instrument is playing. They jubilate, shout, ornament, form fast and perfect glissandos, let one crazy rhythm follow another and make their voices build the most darling cords. And suddenly the folk cliché does not apply any more. A listener believes he has heard” an archaic world of sounds from times long ago”, another –“the marriage of avant-grade and the middle ages”. With their bell-like voices that seam to float lightly trough space, these women have become international stars, whose hypnotic chant circles the globe.
These mystic voices have managed countless times to dissolve the separation between East and West, of young and old, of pop music and classical tunes. The world became aware of their art thanks to Mr. Marcel Cellier, a Swiss producer, who started releasing albums under the name-“Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares”. The first album was published in 1975. Followed album II which was granted a “Grammy”award in 1990, album III – 1989. The album”Rituals” released by “Electra Nonesuch”in USA was nominated for ”Grammy” in 1994. Once the public got their CDs the popularity of the choir rose worldwide. Followed intensive concert tours and their performances were hosted in all major halls in Europe, America, and Asia.
1. Kaval Sviri [The Flute Plays]
2. Stani Mi, Maytcho [Get Up, My Daughter]
3. Di-Li-Do
4. More Zajeni Se Ghiouro [Ghiouro Marries]
5. Tche Da Ti Kupim Bela Seitsa [I'm Going to Buy You Some White Silk]
6. Ovdoviala Lissitchkata [The Fox Has Lost His Cubs]
7. Messetchinko Lio [You, Little Moon]
8. Ei Mori Roujke [You, Little Roujke]
9. Dragana I Slavei [Dragna and the Nightingale]
10. Atmadja Duma Strachilu (Revolutionary Songs)
11. Dve Tourlaski Pesen [Teasing]
12. Trenke, Todorke
13. Besrodna Nevesta [Young Childless Wife]
14. Izpoved [Confession Song for the Buddhist]
15. Ghiore Dos [Teasing]
16. Spis Li, Milke le [If You Are Sleeping, Milke]
Part 1
Part 2
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