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lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Kerstin Blodig & Ian Melrose - Kelpie [Alemania-Escocia]

Kerstin Blodig and Ian Melrose, Kelpie.
Hailing from Berlin, Kelpie is the acoustic duo of German vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Kerstin Blodig and Scottish guitarist Ian Melrose (who also contributes backup vocals and low whistle). Tapping both Celtic and Scandinavian roots, with several tunes sung in Norwegian, Kelpie offers a glimpse into the modern-day European musical melting pot. The opening cut "Kråka" offers the kind of foot-tapping groove that can't be taken for granted in the sparse duo format. In contrast, "Mine Visor," described in the liner notes as an "early Norwegian blues," moves at a slower pace, focusing instead on a hauntingly beautiful melody. "The Battle of Waterloo," featuring Melrose on lead vocals, finds Kelpie confidently interpreting this well-known standard of the Celtic repertoire. While the CD focuses mainly on great vocals and arrangements, it also displays Melrose as one of the finest Celtic-based fingerpickers on the scene. (Alula,
—Teja Gerken

2-Mine Viser
4-Halling fra el verum
5-Villemann og Magnhild
6-Bedlam boys/Bedlam girls
7-Sven Svane
8-Guten og mann/Fillefant ri
9-The Battle of Waterloo
10-Paddy goes to Tunesia
11- Nelaugvatn Reels
12-Polska Efter Las Orre

DESCARGAR-subido por Marco Mondragón

6 comentarios:

  1. link is already dead. only 10 downloads possible, because no premium upload

  2. Gostaria de dizer" Fantastic!", como fez Mário, porém o número de downloads (10) do RapidShare já se esgotou.
    Por favor façam o upload em "collectors acount" para que todos nós desfrutemos desta provável "delícia".
    Sergio- Brasil

  3. ya he avisado a Marco Mondragón para que actualice el enlace, en cuanto lo haga lo pondré en el post avisando en el chat y aquí mismo.
    gracias a todos por el aviso.
    un saludo.

  4. ya está cambiado el enlace por uno de megaupload que parece que no caduca.
    espero que ahora funcione bien.
    un saludo.
