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lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Kerstin Blodig & Ian Melrose - Kelpie [Alemania-Escocia]

Kerstin Blodig and Ian Melrose, Kelpie.
Hailing from Berlin, Kelpie is the acoustic duo of German vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Kerstin Blodig and Scottish guitarist Ian Melrose (who also contributes backup vocals and low whistle). Tapping both Celtic and Scandinavian roots, with several tunes sung in Norwegian, Kelpie offers a glimpse into the modern-day European musical melting pot. The opening cut "Kråka" offers the kind of foot-tapping groove that can't be taken for granted in the sparse duo format. In contrast, "Mine Visor," described in the liner notes as an "early Norwegian blues," moves at a slower pace, focusing instead on a hauntingly beautiful melody. "The Battle of Waterloo," featuring Melrose on lead vocals, finds Kelpie confidently interpreting this well-known standard of the Celtic repertoire. While the CD focuses mainly on great vocals and arrangements, it also displays Melrose as one of the finest Celtic-based fingerpickers on the scene. (Alula,
—Teja Gerken

2-Mine Viser
4-Halling fra el verum
5-Villemann og Magnhild
6-Bedlam boys/Bedlam girls
7-Sven Svane
8-Guten og mann/Fillefant ri
9-The Battle of Waterloo
10-Paddy goes to Tunesia
11- Nelaugvatn Reels
12-Polska Efter Las Orre

DESCARGAR-subido por Marco Mondragón

2 comentarios:

  1. link is already dead. only 10 downloads possible, because no premium upload

  2. ya está cambiado el enlace por uno de megaupload que parece que no caduca.
    espero que ahora funcione bien.
    un saludo.
