Recent Video

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Ash Dargan – Demurru Meditation

Ash Dargan is an indigenous Australian didgeridoo player. He is a member of the Larrakia people but did not find out about his aboriginality until he was 21. He teaches and performs all over the world. He is a former member of Coloured Stone, appearing on their 1999 album Rhythm of Nature.

01. Allambie (Quiet Place) (8:31)
02. Wotiya (Yam Dreaming) (4:26)
03. Hetrala (Resting) (6:10)
04. Cunmurra (Carpet Snake God) (6:23)
05. Yannathan (Walk) (5:35)
06. Dandaloo (Beautiful) (6:05)
07. Kendi (Mythical Lizard) (5:43)
08. Culgoa (Running Water) (6:53)
09. Burando (Winds) (6:10)


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