Recent Video

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

The Gerard Edery Ensemble-Morena

An inspiring collection of love songs from Israel, Turkey, Greece, Egypt and Algeria as well as original compositions by Gerard Edery. Atmospheric vocals, romantic guitars, world beat percussion, and virtuoso violins. Dim the lights and uncork that special bottle of wine! With lyrics and translations.
"Edery's bronzed-toned voice is powerfully expressive…silken-voiced Nell Snaidas and master percussionist Rex Benincasa make Morena a lush experience" - Jewish Herald Voice

Gerard Edery - vocals, guitar
Nell Snaidas and Cassandra Hoffman - vocals
Rex Benincasa - percussion
Rachel Handman - violin

1. Adon haslichot (Traditional Sephardic/Jewish High Holiday Liturgy/Jerusalem)
2. Ya salió de la mar la galana (Traditional Sephardic/Salonika)
3. On est toujours de son pays (Music: Gerard Edery/Words: Bob Ore)
4. Who are you? (Music: Gerard Edery/Words: adaptation from "The Song of Songs" by Noa Ain)
5. Lie down beside me (Music: Gerard Edery/Words: "The Song of Songs": Noa Ain)
6. Daughter of Zion (Music: Gerard Edery/Words: "The Song of Songs": Noa Ain)
7. Kol dodi (Traditional Sephardic from "The Song of Songs"/English lyrics: Gerard Edery/Ken Lauber)
8. Puncha, puncha (Traditional Sephardic/Turkey)
9. L'cha dodi (Traditional Sephardic Sabbath Song/English lyrics: Gerard Edery)
10. Morena me llaman (Traditional Sephardic/Salonika)
11. El ginat egoz (Music: S. Levi/Words: "The Song of Songs")
12. Sidi habibi (Traditional Judeo-Arabic Wedding Song/Algeria)
13. Fel sharah (Traditional Sephardic/Egypt)
14. Hashkivenu (Traditional Sephardic/Jewish Liturgy/Jerusalem)
15. La comida la mañana (Traditional Sephardic/Turkey)


2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for this one... and for the entire blog. :)

  2. Gracias, , que maravilla de música!!
